Kidz Care International

Your Support Can Save Future

 Your support will help us provide Education, Food, Health, water, Education, Housing and access to education institutes by ensuring that individuals have the support they need to rebuild their lives.

our work

Our Programs and Projects

We’re On A Mission Of Big Changes. To Help People And The World.

Kidz Care International is a registered non- profit humanitarian organization providing free assistance to less-privileged children in Africa through the provision of school kits, construction of bridges and pathways for school going children distribution of food items, clothes, housing, healthcare and humanitarian services to communities.

Construction of Bridge and Pathway

We are looking to start helping by building bridges to help make it easier to make it to their school, with the ultimate goal of building a new school for these kids to continue their education.

Donate School Supplies and Resources:

Many schools in Africa lack basic educational resources. You can contribute by donating school supplies, such as books, stationery, backpacks, or educational materials. Collaborate with organizations that facilitate shipping or distribution to ensure your donations reach the children in need.


We are investing in the next generation and providing young children with the school kits and basic education material they need to break the poverty cycle and create a sufficient and sustainable life for themselves and their families.

Sponsor a Child’s Education: Consider sponsoring the education of a child in Africa through reputable sponsorship programs. Your financial contributions can cover school fees, uniforms, textbooks, and other educational essentials. Regular updates on the child’s progress and the opportunity to establish a meaningful connection with them are often provided by these programs.

Academic Support and Tutoring

Scholarships and Education Grants

Our Focus

Your support will help us provide housing assistance, counseling services, and access to mental health resources, ensuring that individuals have the support they need to rebuild their lives.


School Building

Youth Outreach

Providing Food

Clean Water

Family Health

Our Plan

All donations will go to support 3 main problems: food, education, health. Our project is working with troubled kids and we’ve achieved great successes.

Youth Outreach

Your donation will enable us to expand our efforts and engage with youth at risk. Through targeted initiatives, we can provide School Kits, construction of Bridges, Food and Health and guidance to help children 

Your Generous Gift Will Bring Joy And Purpose To Youth Around The World

Become a Volunteer

Together We Can Change The World!